Monday, March 10, 2008

A new beginning, a new dawn

It is fairly common to hear " Wish you have a good beginning in this new journey" - " Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru" - now these sentences bring a new meaning to me. Before, I often wonder how much different could it be between married and single life - surely I can handle everything smoothly.

Cinderella ended with a "Happily ever after" at the end of the story - I think the author of the story knew that things are not as easy as " Happily ever after" and just want to spare us the details of marriage life. On another side, I guess if you are as rich as the king to be in the story, then you might not have all the problems of common people like me. :-)

Now that I have entered marriage life for 1 month officially last 27th February 2008. I can only say " We are still on the honeymoon period" ;-) still calling each other with endearment and trying to be husband and wife as pictured in the fairly tale.


Vebby Anastasia said...

Welcome back to the blogging world =) looking forward for your postings! enjoy your honeymoon period too =)

Dolphinrider said...

sugeng daluh... selamat datang. hahahaa neng bandung yang rajing nge-blog ya.